
Education is the key to awareness. Please take advantage of resources made available to you regarding the services provided by our AAPHC locations.

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At AAPHC, our providers and team members embrace that our main responsibility is to protect and care for our patients. Our Compliance and Ethics program ensures that we, as an organization, remain focused on what is right, ethical and fair for our patients, healthcare providers and team members. 

We are proud that our Compliance and Ethics program ensures that we are always pointed in the right direction and always “doing the right thing” when it comes to patient care. Our Compliance and Ethics team are dedicated to protecting our patients, company, providers and team members.

Our Compliance and Ethics team is here for you. Always.


Pat Hunter,                         Clifton Bush,
Compliance Officer            Chief Operating Officer 
HIPAA/Privacy Officer       & HIPAA/Security Officer


How to Reach Our Compliance & Ethics Team

You can find all of your Compliance, Privacy and Ethics needs in one place.  Our dedicated department of Compliance & Ethics is here to help our patients and team members navigate through the complex world of compliance.

Have a question or need to report an issue to our Compliance Officer?

You can e-mail our team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our Compliance Hotline at 1-877-977-7717.